Friday, November 6, 2020

Republicans LOVE to Lose


    It’s easy to be a Republican politician; all you have to do is point fingers and blame others.

Think about it; if you have no authority or power to effect change, you can say whatever you want, make any promises you want, and make any claim you want, and when you are taken to task for not delivering on any of it, you can point at the majority party and say, “They’re obstructing us! They won’t listen to us!” and go on your merry way to enjoy the trappings of privilege, secure in the knowledge that you have evaded the responsibility of fulfilling your commitment to your constituents.

    The Republican wing of The Legislature is, by and large, populated by geldings. They aren’t willing to take a stand if it means that they might come under criticism. They aren’t willing to risk their privileged lifestyle by calling out their fellow GOP-ers when they endorse candidates from the opposition, and they don’t support a President that came from outside the party, even when his pugnaciousness inspires voters to support the party in hopes for more of the same.

    Unfortunately, the GOP is content to sit by and allow the Democrats to steal the Presidency. It’s easier this way; they get to make noises like they are outraged while simultaneously sitting on their hands.

    It’s no longer Democrats and Republicans; it’s Democrats and Eunuchs.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Everyone Loses (Except Politicians)

     Well, the election is over and, if I were to lay down a bet, I'd say that Gropey Joe and The Ho are going to be the new occupants of The White House. Why? Because Trump has spent the last four years facing attacks from the three branches of The Establishment; The Democrats, The Republicans, and The Media.
What John Q. Public fails to understand is something that George Carlin revealed years ago: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"

    Allow me to explain; the Democrats and the Republicans, despite they're bloviations to the contrary, are really one entity. Elections are meaningful to them only in that, they want to keep their positions of power so as to maintain their place in the royalty. They want to insure that they don't have to rub elbows with The Masses, or obey the laws that they enact for us. They want to continue to engage in their debauched lifestyles, enjoy the wealth that they accumulated from the insider trading that would result in prison for anyone but a politician, and they want to continue their journey towards absolute power.

The Constitution? They probably have a roll of them in every stall in the Congressional Crappers, because that's all that it means to them. This country was Founded by great men who, though flawed, laid the groundwork for the greatest nation in the history of the world. And it has been taken over by the equivalent of The Gambino Crime Family , the only difference being that politicians don't have the balls to do their own work when it comes to pulling a trigger.

And like most crime families, they kept everything running smoothly, lulling their neighbors into believing that they were legitimate businessmen, all the while looting the coffers of working people everywhere.

Then, when they saw an opportunity to multiply their millions into billions by selling out this country to Chinese and European interests, they did so with no more thought than they would give throwing out an old shoe. And we, the general public, were fooled into thinking everything was okay because the roads got fixed, the lights stayed on, and we were able to find a job that paid us subsistence wages.

And when  we made too much noise, or it started to look like we were waking up to their deception, they would say all of the right things to put us back to sleep. It was a system that worked flawlessly for them until 2016.

Enter Donald Trump; the man couldn't be bought because he was usually the buyer. He couldn't be controlled because he didn't owe anything to anybody. And, unlike most of the people that occupy public office, he actually had a history of getting things done. Worse, The Establishment hates him because he knows them for the venal, vindictive, intellectually-challenged scoundrels that they all are. .

But, he isn't a polished speaker, he doesn't soften his language with politically-correct weasel words, and he thinks he is smarter than all of the politicians in the room. He also has a laundry list of tangible accomplishments to point to as evidence that he is the right man for the job. 

Shockingly, he got elected. He resonated with the people that were tired of watching the game of Perpetual Ping Pong that the two parties played, alternating between champion and challenger while locking the American People out of the process and simultaneously accomplishing monumentally expensive amounts of, well, nothing much.

Trump entered politics like an old time police officer, he waded into a bar room brawl, knocking heads and wielding a nightstick indiscriminately until everyone calmed down. He asserted his authority by making clear that everyone's job was on the line, and firing those that didn't make the cut.

And then, he did the unforgivable; he started delivering on his promises.

For a group of people that succeeded by following Napoleon Bonaparte's advice about, "...promise everything, deliver nothing...." the idea that some interloper could come into their clubhouse and usurp the status quo by doing what he said he was going to do, was horrifying. They feared that it might inspire people to more closely scrutinize them and, horrors, force them to live up to their promises. Something had to be done, and fast.

The solution? Mobilize their foot soldiers in the media to inundate the public with negativity. 

For four years, despite record low unemployment across the board, the fastest economic recovery in this nation's history, multiple peace deals in the Middle East, and an aggressive trade policy, all America heard from the media were the words 'racist', xenophobe', 'misogynist' and 'oligarch' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary in the real world.

And the media warmed to the task like the guards at Auschwitz; they trotted out the Republican 'Never-Trumpers' to preach to the masses about how bad he was, they spotlighted representatives of The Grievance Industry that crowed about his racism (Some of those same people who, ironically, kissed his ass in public when he was writing them checks.) and the never-ending tirades from the Democrats who, in any other context, would have been shot with tranquilizer darts and shuffled off to a Psych Ward until they calmed down.

And it worked. With a list of accomplishment that should have seen him glide effortlessly back into The Oval Office, instead, he is in the political fight of his life. And he will lose. The Deep State cannot allow him to win, for it would cost them billions in overseas, backroom deals and, in the case of the Bidens, it could mean jail time.

So, when Joe Biden is sworn in as POTUS, Trump will go back to being an eccentric billionaire and all that that entails (at the very least, he'll get a pay raise),

And the voter gets, what exactly? Another administration that weaponizes the IRS, spies on its own citizens, fixes more elections, and unleashes the BATFE to run amok? I guess we'll have to settle for the proliferation of McBortion Clinics and skyrocketing healthcare costs.

What we don't get is continued economic prosperity, an aggressive foreign economic policy, more peace with fewer military obligations, or transparency with regards to the sellout of America.

Get ready America, The Age of the Scoundrel 3.0 is upon us. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Determining Friend and Foe.

    It’s difficult to figure out who is who in politics these days. On the one hand, we have Democrats; the party that used to, at least in theory, look out for the working man. Yet, their rhetoric of the last few years, combined with the violent behavior of their supporters, makes them seem more like the Fascists they claim to resist.
    Even worse, the Republicans have been working almost as hard as the Democrats to obstruct President Trump’s attempts to do his work. One would think that the GOP would hail Trump as the greatest president since Reagan since his domestic policy has accelerated economic growth and diminished unemployment to record lows. Instead, their support for him is, at best, lukewarm.
    Think about it; the Republicans had two solid years of unfettered control of both wings of the Legislature and the White House, and they spent most of that time bogging down any progress out of sheer petulance. They dislike Trump because he does what they don’t have the testicular fortitude to do; he makes a promise and then works towards delivering on it. That’s anathema to the pusillanimous lickspittles that populate today’s Republican Party.
    As a result, it is no longer appropriate to delineate politicians by ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican.’ For me, it’s ‘Ally’ and ‘Enemy’, much more accurate and far easier to identify, this is how, moving forward, I will determine for whom I will vote. It’s the only way to be sure that I will not be wasting my vote.
    Enemies are obvious; they operate out of hatred. They hate God, America, freedom, rich people, children, guns, and anyone that feels entitled to keep what they earn. Their main tactic to express their hatred is to take from others. They want to take other peoples’ money, property, and even their life, in order to satisfy their innate need to control others. They think nothing of inflicting violence upon someone who they deem “racist”, “Fascist” or merely inconvenient. They claim whatever political affiliation is most likely to get them elected, but they are loyal only to power and the greater accumulation of same.
    And they hate Trump. God, do they hate him. Part of the reason is, since he is now POTUS, they can no longer hit him up for campaign donations (I’m looking at you Senator Schumer). They can’t force him to fund their pet projects, and they can’t buy his favor. In short, he doesn’t need them and he has no use for them.
    Allies, on the other hand, are much harder to identify. A good rule of thumb is, “How willing are they to leave me alone?”
    Chief among their attributes is love; love of country, love of others, love of children, and a willingness to work towards ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to advance their lives through their own industry. If they require you to sacrifice what is yours to benefit another, they are no ally.
    So there it is, determine if they are acting out of love or hatred, and that will reveal who they really are.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Antifa Needs Some More Rights

    An interesting phenomenon has taken place among the Liberal Left; they have begun to embrace freedom of speech, tolerance of others, and peaceful demonstrations. They do so by making sure that anyone who disagrees with them is harassed, ostracized and beaten. They are more than happy to engage in philosophical discussions as long as everyone involved in the conversation agrees with them. They have no problem interacting with others as long as their beliefs are in perfect lock step, and they express their social awareness by bashing people with bike locks, spraying them with bear spray, and ganging up on individuals and stomping them.

    In short, they are bullies.

      And, like all bullies, they are brave in a crowd. Faced with someone who isn't afraid of them, and is comfortable with violence, and the balance shifts. An example:

    Now, to be fair, the gentleman wielding the baton wasn't particularly skilled. He seemed to make the, all too common, mistake of believing that his weapon bestowed upon him competence. As if the baton were a magic talisman that would give him super powers against a determined foe.

    Even worse, the defender that threw the punch seemed to be surprised that his strike was as effective as it was. His form left something to be desired, but the result speaks for itself.

    I'm not sure what the woman on the left was trying to accomplish. Perhaps, upon seeing her champion so easily downed, she was offering to bear the victor's children. More likely, she was begging him to not give her friend the educational beatdown he so richly deserved.

    I suspect that, were the Dollar-Store Ninjas met with this type of response more often, they would quickly learn to mind their manners.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Americans Don't Really Want America

     They say that the first step to recovery is to admit that you have a problem. Well, here is the problem: Americans, as a people, no longer love Liberty. Black, White, Red, Brown, Yellow, gun owner, businessman, student, teacher, you, me, and everyone else has let our love of Liberty be subjugated by our fear of disapproval.

     It's not entirely our fault; we are a generous people. We are fully aware of our prosperity, and we are driven by our national character to want to help those in need by sharing it. We want to feed the hungry, help the impoverished, and heal the sick.What other nation has been able to make hated enemies into valued allies? When, in history, has another nation done so much for those that had done nothing for them?  Our compassion has been our strength.

     And therein lies our weakness.

     Those that seek to fundamentally change America have all but succeeded, and they used our best qualities against us. Since they believe that enlightened self-interest is evil, they have sought to eliminate it and, by extension, any regard for the individual's rights in favor of a convoluted collectivism that is rooted in envy and hatred.

     Envy, for instance, is exhibited when a man goes to college, works his ass off to get good grades, enters the business world and sacrifices his social life, maybe a marriage or two, and a significant percentage of health and well-being, in order to rise to the top of his industry. He works for a corporation and brings in hundreds of millions in profit, and is rewarded with bonuses in the amount of double-digit millions, and those petty little minds that can't even conceive of copying that path label him as "the 1%" which, in Progressivespeak, is a euphemism for "evil."

      In spite of the thousands of jobs he has created, the improvements in the quality of life, contribution to the dynamism of the economy, or the astronomical amount of tax revenue generated by his efforts,  he isn't held up as an example for others to follow. Instead, he is vilified by collectivists for being greedy, by the church for being materialistic, by those of lesser ambition for being obsessive, or by those of his own racial demographic for selling out. Moreover, any efforts he makes to include and benefit the aforementioned groups is seen as pandering.

      Hatred was evidenced just recently when Ben Shapiro spoke at California State University- Los Angeles . People that wanted nothing more than to listen to his speech were blocked from entering the building, in some cases, violently, while those of opposing viewpoints stood outside chanting. Ironically, colleges and universities used to be places where intellectuals could debate the merits of different ideas, keeping what they found valuable and discarding the rest. Now? Now they're nothing more than indoctrination centers bent on filling young minds with collectivist propaganda, and suppressing dissent by any means necessary.

     Add to this the total domination of popular culture by those that hate America, combined with the utter refusal of conservatives to engage it, and you have what amounts to a one-sided war for the soul of this nation; our young people. Young people are more in tune with the world around them than ever before. With the myriad of electronic devices, and the all-pervasive social media, every young person from Middle School up can access amounts of information their parents never imagined. Despite its banality, pop culture is a powerful force in this country. Think of the thousands of hours young people devote to searching the internet, playing video games, or listening to music, and you begin to understand how someone who grew up in a Christian Conservative family can develop some controversial ideas.
     Conservatives make disapproving clucking noises and do nothing. We don't like Hollywood, but we offer no alternatives. We hate the disgusting lyrics in music, but we do not cultivate talent more to our liking. We disparage 'Fifty Shades of Grey' but we don't publish anything worth reading. We rage against the education machine, but we continue to send our children there, and we do nothing to change it or provide an affordable alternative. Our nation is shifting towards totalitarianism, and we stand there like a witness to a horrific auto accident; we don't want to see it, we can't look away, and we don't know what to do to fix it.

     The reasons that this societal shift has taken place would, and has, filled volumes. The infantilization of men, the domination of the culture, the demonization of the productive class, all geared towards fundamentally changing the system, has been done before. Hitler did it, Lenin did it, Mao, Pol Pot, Castro, all of the worst despots in history started out by fomenting hatred and envy against those that made up the productive class. They co-opted the young through the education institutions, and they made it all seem adventurous and romantic to "join the revolution." And when they finally took power, they killed, and killed, and killed until there were, literally, rivers of blood and mountains of corpses. They killed the productive class, they killed those that opposed them, and they killed a large portion of the academics and revolutionaries that helped them, all in the name of solidifying their power and securing an iron fist around the nation.

     The reason this was possible was because they had no one that was willing to resist in sufficient numbers to be effective, largely because the over-educated and the under-educated both bought into the rhetoric, and those in between were too busy with the mechanics of day-to-day living to pay more than cursory attention to the situation until it was too late.

     As Americans, we like to believe that we are different, immune to the foibles that brought down other people. We fail to realize that those that seek to dominate us understand us better than we understand ourselves. They understand the one major flaw in our national character:

     We want to be liked more than we want to make hard decisions.

     We would rather send billions of dollars abroad to fund countries that hate us, than rebuild a crumbling infrastructure. We would rather tax the middle class into extinction, than cut welfare benefits to illegal aliens. We would rather allow regulatory agencies to run roughshod over farmers and ranchers in the name of environmentalism, than allow them to produce, even if it means they grow a few too many apples, or collect rainwater on their own land.

     The culmination of all of these elements is an era of self-loathing so acute as to be fatal. We have been conditioned to hate our prosperity, our Constitution, even The Founders of this nation, instead believing that the solution to the country's ills can be found in politicians spouting the same, tired platitudes that, throughout history, have led nations to ruin.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hello? Anyone here?

     Hey all, it's been a while. I have to be honest; the fault is 100 percent mine. Frankly, I had run out of things to say, and really, I couldn't muster the motivation  to write. But, the times we face today have piqued my interest. We're in the waning days of the Obama Administration, and those that support it say that it has been a raging success. Those that oppose it say that it has been a ruinous failure. I tend to agree with those that say it has failed. I'm not going to write a list of the whys; suffice it to say that the 17 trillion in debt guarantees that rough times are ahead.

     Unfortunately, it doesn't look like relief is on the way.

     On the one hand, we have the Democrats. Masters of the long game, they reached the pinnacle of their existence when they managed to convince their constituents to vote, not once, but twice, for a man who was nothing more than the result of marketing and opinion polls, and was elected for no other reason than the color of his skin. In other words, Obama got elected because voting for him was "cool."

     Now? The bottom of the barrel is all they have left. It's the choice between a card-carrying Marxist, and a woman who has more baggage than Delta Airlines. That either of these two are being considered by young people is a statement on the horrific condition of our education system.

     Which brings us to the GOP. The first thing we need to realize is that the current incarnation of the Republican Party has no interest whatsoever in furthering Conservatism. As soon as a non-establishment candidate gained enough prominence to be a contender, the Old Guard within the party turned on them like a pack of mad dogs. This is nothing new; they did the same thing after the "Republican Revolution" during the Clinton Regime. Currently, they have ostracized and marginalized the Tea Party candidates and they are in the process of eliminating Ben Carson (easily the smartest candidate of either party), because what they want is another toady to parrot the party line without disturbing the status quo. Because, as I have said before, they don't want to fix what's wrong because for them, it isn't broken.

     Then, there is Trump. On the surface, he looks like a good deal; too rich to be bought, too powerful to care what the GOP says, and plain spoken, opinionated, and says all of the right things.

     And he's completely full of shit.

     If you look at the things he said even ten years ago, you realize he wants to be President because that is the only box he hasn't checked on his Bucket List, and he's willing to say anything to get it. Trump isn't the worst of the candidates, but don't believe for a second that he has this nation's best interest at heart. Trump's first, last, and only priority is Trump.

     This election will be, far more than ever before, about the lesser of two evils. No doubt, we are about to be inundated with dire warnings of "This is the most important election ever!" and all sides will talk about how much they want to help the little guy. Ultimately, the only reason that ANY of them will win the election is because "None of the above" isn't on the ballot.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

I've Gotta Say It;

     Let's be honest; Islam is a religion of nutjobs. Any organization that codifies, within its tenets, the ownership of another human being is, by definition, an immoral institution that needs to be eradicated. I don't care if it's The Caliphate or The Confederacy, it's got to go.

   If the reports out of Iraq, regarding the brutality of ISIS, are true, then they should be exterminated like a pack of mad dogs. Beheadings? Crucifixions? Women turned into chattel? Chase every swinging dick down and put a bullet in them. Allowing these assholes to run around unchecked is just asking for trouble to come to our shores.

    Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I have never held any love for Muslims. The best that I could muster was apathy. I can still remember watching the news coverage of the '72 Olympics when the Black September group attacked the Israeli team. I joined the Army in response to our embassy being taken in Iran. When the Marine Barracks in Beirut was bombed, we were put on alert. Every one of us was ready to go avenge our comrades in arms. I can see Robert Stethem being dumped on the tarmac like it happened yesterday. The horror of the events on the Achille Lauro, the bombing of La Belle Disco in West Berlin, Pan Am Flight 103, and on, and on, and on.

    That said, I don't think one more American boot should be on the ground in Iraq unless we go in with the intent of bringing them a taste of Total War, American Style. Like the man said, "War to the knife, and knife to the hilt!" After all, Germany and Japan were once our enemies, it took total war to bring them to their knees, and now they are staunch allies.

    Unfortunately, our current leaders don't have the stomach or the balls to deal with these people with the utter ruthlessness that would be necessary. Our government has this weird need for our enemies to like us. As far as I'm concerned, they can like us or hate us, as long as they fear us, it's all good.