Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Determining Friend and Foe.

    It’s difficult to figure out who is who in politics these days. On the one hand, we have Democrats; the party that used to, at least in theory, look out for the working man. Yet, their rhetoric of the last few years, combined with the violent behavior of their supporters, makes them seem more like the Fascists they claim to resist.
    Even worse, the Republicans have been working almost as hard as the Democrats to obstruct President Trump’s attempts to do his work. One would think that the GOP would hail Trump as the greatest president since Reagan since his domestic policy has accelerated economic growth and diminished unemployment to record lows. Instead, their support for him is, at best, lukewarm.
    Think about it; the Republicans had two solid years of unfettered control of both wings of the Legislature and the White House, and they spent most of that time bogging down any progress out of sheer petulance. They dislike Trump because he does what they don’t have the testicular fortitude to do; he makes a promise and then works towards delivering on it. That’s anathema to the pusillanimous lickspittles that populate today’s Republican Party.
    As a result, it is no longer appropriate to delineate politicians by ‘Democrat’ and ‘Republican.’ For me, it’s ‘Ally’ and ‘Enemy’, much more accurate and far easier to identify, this is how, moving forward, I will determine for whom I will vote. It’s the only way to be sure that I will not be wasting my vote.
    Enemies are obvious; they operate out of hatred. They hate God, America, freedom, rich people, children, guns, and anyone that feels entitled to keep what they earn. Their main tactic to express their hatred is to take from others. They want to take other peoples’ money, property, and even their life, in order to satisfy their innate need to control others. They think nothing of inflicting violence upon someone who they deem “racist”, “Fascist” or merely inconvenient. They claim whatever political affiliation is most likely to get them elected, but they are loyal only to power and the greater accumulation of same.
    And they hate Trump. God, do they hate him. Part of the reason is, since he is now POTUS, they can no longer hit him up for campaign donations (I’m looking at you Senator Schumer). They can’t force him to fund their pet projects, and they can’t buy his favor. In short, he doesn’t need them and he has no use for them.
    Allies, on the other hand, are much harder to identify. A good rule of thumb is, “How willing are they to leave me alone?”
    Chief among their attributes is love; love of country, love of others, love of children, and a willingness to work towards ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to advance their lives through their own industry. If they require you to sacrifice what is yours to benefit another, they are no ally.
    So there it is, determine if they are acting out of love or hatred, and that will reveal who they really are.