Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Everyone Loses (Except Politicians)

     Well, the election is over and, if I were to lay down a bet, I'd say that Gropey Joe and The Ho are going to be the new occupants of The White House. Why? Because Trump has spent the last four years facing attacks from the three branches of The Establishment; The Democrats, The Republicans, and The Media.
What John Q. Public fails to understand is something that George Carlin revealed years ago: "It's a big club, and you ain't in it!"

    Allow me to explain; the Democrats and the Republicans, despite they're bloviations to the contrary, are really one entity. Elections are meaningful to them only in that, they want to keep their positions of power so as to maintain their place in the royalty. They want to insure that they don't have to rub elbows with The Masses, or obey the laws that they enact for us. They want to continue to engage in their debauched lifestyles, enjoy the wealth that they accumulated from the insider trading that would result in prison for anyone but a politician, and they want to continue their journey towards absolute power.

The Constitution? They probably have a roll of them in every stall in the Congressional Crappers, because that's all that it means to them. This country was Founded by great men who, though flawed, laid the groundwork for the greatest nation in the history of the world. And it has been taken over by the equivalent of The Gambino Crime Family , the only difference being that politicians don't have the balls to do their own work when it comes to pulling a trigger.

And like most crime families, they kept everything running smoothly, lulling their neighbors into believing that they were legitimate businessmen, all the while looting the coffers of working people everywhere.

Then, when they saw an opportunity to multiply their millions into billions by selling out this country to Chinese and European interests, they did so with no more thought than they would give throwing out an old shoe. And we, the general public, were fooled into thinking everything was okay because the roads got fixed, the lights stayed on, and we were able to find a job that paid us subsistence wages.

And when  we made too much noise, or it started to look like we were waking up to their deception, they would say all of the right things to put us back to sleep. It was a system that worked flawlessly for them until 2016.

Enter Donald Trump; the man couldn't be bought because he was usually the buyer. He couldn't be controlled because he didn't owe anything to anybody. And, unlike most of the people that occupy public office, he actually had a history of getting things done. Worse, The Establishment hates him because he knows them for the venal, vindictive, intellectually-challenged scoundrels that they all are. .

But, he isn't a polished speaker, he doesn't soften his language with politically-correct weasel words, and he thinks he is smarter than all of the politicians in the room. He also has a laundry list of tangible accomplishments to point to as evidence that he is the right man for the job. 

Shockingly, he got elected. He resonated with the people that were tired of watching the game of Perpetual Ping Pong that the two parties played, alternating between champion and challenger while locking the American People out of the process and simultaneously accomplishing monumentally expensive amounts of, well, nothing much.

Trump entered politics like an old time police officer, he waded into a bar room brawl, knocking heads and wielding a nightstick indiscriminately until everyone calmed down. He asserted his authority by making clear that everyone's job was on the line, and firing those that didn't make the cut.

And then, he did the unforgivable; he started delivering on his promises.

For a group of people that succeeded by following Napoleon Bonaparte's advice about, "...promise everything, deliver nothing...." the idea that some interloper could come into their clubhouse and usurp the status quo by doing what he said he was going to do, was horrifying. They feared that it might inspire people to more closely scrutinize them and, horrors, force them to live up to their promises. Something had to be done, and fast.

The solution? Mobilize their foot soldiers in the media to inundate the public with negativity. 

For four years, despite record low unemployment across the board, the fastest economic recovery in this nation's history, multiple peace deals in the Middle East, and an aggressive trade policy, all America heard from the media were the words 'racist', xenophobe', 'misogynist' and 'oligarch' despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary in the real world.

And the media warmed to the task like the guards at Auschwitz; they trotted out the Republican 'Never-Trumpers' to preach to the masses about how bad he was, they spotlighted representatives of The Grievance Industry that crowed about his racism (Some of those same people who, ironically, kissed his ass in public when he was writing them checks.) and the never-ending tirades from the Democrats who, in any other context, would have been shot with tranquilizer darts and shuffled off to a Psych Ward until they calmed down.

And it worked. With a list of accomplishment that should have seen him glide effortlessly back into The Oval Office, instead, he is in the political fight of his life. And he will lose. The Deep State cannot allow him to win, for it would cost them billions in overseas, backroom deals and, in the case of the Bidens, it could mean jail time.

So, when Joe Biden is sworn in as POTUS, Trump will go back to being an eccentric billionaire and all that that entails (at the very least, he'll get a pay raise),

And the voter gets, what exactly? Another administration that weaponizes the IRS, spies on its own citizens, fixes more elections, and unleashes the BATFE to run amok? I guess we'll have to settle for the proliferation of McBortion Clinics and skyrocketing healthcare costs.

What we don't get is continued economic prosperity, an aggressive foreign economic policy, more peace with fewer military obligations, or transparency with regards to the sellout of America.

Get ready America, The Age of the Scoundrel 3.0 is upon us. 

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